Discovering the Secret Diablo 4 Cow Level

diablo 4 cow level

Ready to know one of the biggest secrets of Diablo 4 cow level? The secret cow level is a fun and hidden area that you can unlock. 

This guide will help you find it step by step in a way that’s easy to understand and follow. Let’s get started on this exciting journey.

What is the secret cow level?

The secret cow level is a hidden area in Diablo 4 where you can fight lots of cows. it is a fun Easter egg that players have enjoyed in previous Diablo games, and now it is back in Diablo 4. Imagine battling through a herd of angry cows to find awesome treasures.

What you need to find

To open the secret cow level, you will need to find three special items called relics:

  • Bloody wooden shard – Found in the regions of Hawezar or Kehjistan.
  • Intricate metallic fragment – Found in the Dry Steppes.
  • Musty tome – Found in Scosglen or the Fractured Peaks.

How to get the relics?

Here is the fun part: you have to defeat 666 cows to get each relic. This might sound like a lot, but it is all part of the adventure. Remember, the cows can be anywhere in the world of Diablo 4.

The first part of your quest involves defeating a lot of cows. You need to slay 666 cows in each region where the relics are found. This means you will be busy exploring and fighting to get these special items. Keep track of your cow count because the 666th cow will drop the relic.

Once you have all three relics, head to the mystical fountain in Ked Bardu, located in the Dry Steppes. Drop each relic into the fountain one by one and pick them up again. This process will cleanse the relics, making them ready for the next step.

After cleansing, you need to offer these relics to the Oxen Gods statues around the fountain. Click on each statue with the relics in your inventory to offer them. When all three relics are offered, you will receive a Strange Key.

Take the Strange Key to the Forlorn Hovel in Scosglen. Use the key to unlock the cellar door, which will stay open forever once unlocked. Be very careful with the key; if you lose it, you will have to start the quest all over again.

Find the forlorn hovel

Inside the Forlorn Hovel, you will face more cows. Defeat them all to receive a special item called the Stamina Potion. Currently, what this potion does is a bit of a mystery, but it is believed to be part of another quest or unlock more secrets down the line.

Tips for efficient cow farming

To help you find the cows faster, here are some farming routes to find cows quickly:

Farobru route:

  • Start at the Farobru waypoint in the Dry Steppes.
  • Exit the town to the south and check the surrounding farms. This route has multiple spots where cows spawn, making it a great place to start.

Cerrigar route:

  • Begin at the Cerrigar waypoint in Scosglen.
  • Head to the nearby farms and clear out the cows. This area also has plenty of cows, which helps in reaching your 666 cow target faster.

Using the “shmiga” reset method:

  • This method involves resetting your game’s World Tier to find more cows quickly.
  • Clear a route, log out, switch World Tier, and log back in. This trick helps increase the number of cows you encounter, speeding up the farming process.
Final thoughts

Finding the secret Diablo 4 cow level is a fun and rewarding challenge. By following this guide, you will be well on your way to uncovering this hidden gem. Remember, patience and persistence are key. Good luck, adventurer, and may your quest be filled with excitement and great loot.

Some Questions
What is the secret Diablo 4 cow level? 

It is a hidden area filled with cows that you can fight, adding an extra layer of fun to the game.

How do I start the quest for the secret cow level? 

You need to collect three relics by defeating 666 cows in specific regions and then cleanse and offer these relics at a special fountain.

What happens if I lose the Strange Key? 

If you lose the key, you will have to start the quest over, so be careful with it.

What do I do after unlocking the Forlorn Hovel? 

Defeat the cows inside to get the Stamina Potion, which might unlock further secrets in the game.

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