Fourth Wing Map: Debunk The Geographical Fantasy 

Don’t miss out on exploring the otherworldly adventure of the fourth-wing world with guidance of fourth wing map.

fourth wing map

If you love fantasy! Then surely you wouldn’t miss out on the worldbuilding genre of fiction, where you can get lost in the alternate universe. Where the author pens down the most imaginative world and gives a map!! Explain the terminologies related to their built world.

Such a book that represents the right amount of world-building without exaggeration is Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. When published in 2023, this romance-themed fantasy had taken the internet by storm.

Still, if you enjoy delving into the fantasy realm of worldbuilding, or if you want a quick lighting guide to help you get through the series, here’s a detailed article on the world of Xaden Riorson, Violet Sorrengail, and the other pupils of Basgiath War College.

let’s delve into the fourth wing map with me!

Navarre- Mainland of Fourth Wing Map

This is set in the familiar lands, of which we have seen only one continent as yet. Bounded to the north by the Emerald Sea and south by the Arctile Ocean, this continent presents two radically distinguished nations, as well as a desert with no human lives on the east side.

The Navarre kingdom—the country from which all principal characters hail—is the larger of the two nations, separated from its neighbor kingdom Poromiel by the Esben and Tage ranges of mountains. These mountains also mark the path of Navarre’s well-known magical wards, which repel gryphons and possibly other creatures.

It is composed of six different provinces: Calldyr, Morraine, Tyrrendor, Deaconshire, Luceras, and Elsum. Different provinces have more exploration than the others within the books themselves; thus, the Deaconshire, Luceras, and Elsum provinces have little information about them, but the other three have a tiny less or more detail to them.

For instance, Calldyr is the hometown state of the royal family—where the royals stay, residing in Calldyr City. Morraine is home to both the Basgiath War Colleges and Vale, situated directly on the Iakobos River, which flows onward into the Emerald Sea.

And then know about Tyrrendor, the biggest of all the provinces of Navarre, naturally fortified from Poromiel by the sheer Cliffs of Dralor, where dragons can’t cross. Tyrrendor experienced a crisis that has had an extremely important role to play in Navarre’s history lately and continues , with Aretha its capital city and rapidly becoming one of the significant places of the story as it unfolds.

Before the Great War, all of these states were kingdoms in their own right—a disastrous conflict fought over six centuries before the story begins by the fabled First Six, the first six human dragon riders. When the Great War ended, the Navarre was established as a kingdom and integrated, with its borders defined. Dragons claimed the lands of the west, while gryphons took over on the east side.

This union made Navarre stronger but also had an unavoidable loss of languages and cultures special to each of the 6 provinces. When this wasn’t enough, Xaden’s father led the Tyrrish Rebellion, which brought all kids and himself of the Tyrrish rebel leader to be conscripted into Basgiath.

Poromiel, Fourth Wing Map

This reflects all the protagonists being from Navarre, having been subjected to misinformation since birth; only Poromiel, who was their neighbouring nation, is known less, namely that it has been at war with Navarre for 400 years by the time the novel begins.

Poromiel is made up of three states that have preserved their distinct local cultures to the point where, according to the book, Poromish people may identify as belonging to their state before their nation, as opposed to the people of Navarre.

Until now, our main characters have ventured up as far as the northern corner of the three provinces of Cygnisen and fought a difficult war in Korvla, all the way down in the South. So far, no one knows about the provinces of Braevick, which stand right in the middle between Korvla and Cygnisen, apart from the fact that it’s the home of the Poromish, which equals to Basgiath, the Cliffsbane Flight Academy.

The farmlands of Poromiel are said to consist of mostly marshlands and grassland, so the kingdom depends on grain and textiles to work its economy, as for some little gems that exhibit magical properties. Before the war, trade between Navarre and Poromiel was constant—and a trading dispute is actually the fake reason that has been cited for centuries as to why animosities started—and it gradually increased as a result of the Resson’s trade agreement, which states that Poromish fabric and grain are traded four times a year at the outpost in the town of Athebyne for Navarrian meat and lumber.

Barrens, Fourth Wing Map

There are the Barrens, on the east edge, a sliver of driest desert with nothing much there other than desolation, no cities or other geographic features to speak of, and most people believe it to be utterly empty. Gryphons and Dragons fought a war against the Barren’s army in the Battle of Gianfar, which took place at the time of  the Great War—this is how they got their infamous title of Barrens since Venin had taken magic straight from the earth rather than having it distributed through them by a gryphon or a dragon.

After they won, gryphons and dragons, along with their humans, left the Barrens and believed that all venin were killed. However, if that were true, there would be no story. The Barrens remain the home of the venin and their wyverns, from which they launch attacks on the Poromiel nearby, inflicting heavy damage on each occasion.

So, I hope this article helps your boat sail through the world of Fourth Wing, following your captain’s lead and trusting her own version of the Fourth Wing map.