Homelessness and Emergency Housing for Older People- Find Out full details


Homelessness is not about rough sleeping. It could also mean that you are not staying in your house because it is not safe or for any other reason. If you fall into any of these categories then it is essential to seek advice and help.

What does homelessness mean?

If you have no where to stay then you are homeless, but if you have some reasonable reason to not stay on your accommodation meaning:

  • You are staying with any of your family member ror friends on temporary basis because your house is in poor condition.
  • Your house is not suitable for you to live in because of a illness or disability. 

Homelessness is caused due to relationship breakdown, tenancy ending or your family or friends kicked you out. In any of these following mentioned case or it is best to seek advice from someone. 

Does local council help a homeless?

If you are on the verge of homelessness or already homeless then your local council has the duty to help you. To seek help from the local council, they may agree that if you are at risk of homelessness or are homeless then only you will be eligible for assistance. 

If you are a British citizen you will be eligible to seek council help but not otherwise. You should not terminate a tenancy or leave a property without seeking advice as it can impact how much help you can get from the council.

If the council have been helping you for around 8 weeks and have no success and they decide that you have intentionally made yourself homeless then they will stop helping you.

What kind of help can i seek?

If you meet all the requirements and criteria the council will help you for around 5 days. It is important o note that the help depends on your needs and circumstances but may include:

  • Providing financial and other assistance  to secure private rented properties.
  • Making an offer for housing in private rented areas.
  • If you are at risk of violence and wish to stay home but safely then they will provide sanctuary.
  • Attempting mediation if the family asks to leave.
  • Helping you secure a safe space to stay and sleep.

How do I apply for help?

If you are threatened with homelessness or homeless and are willing to seek help from the local council then you can make a homeless application. The local council will provide you with assistance and advice at any given time.

If the council finds the reason to believe you they will assess if you are eligible for help. In case you are eligible they will first determine if it’s their duty to help you.

When you contact the local council you can explain why you are at risk of homelessness and why you are eligible for assistance and should be considered as a priority case.

Local council provides emergency accommodation if your reason for homelessness is a priority need and eligible including people with vulnerable age group.

Documents for the interview

You will have to bring the following documents for the initial interview, and it will also make the application process faster.

  • Identity proof and immigration status for household members eg- passports, birth certificates, residence permits like licence agreement or tenancy.
  • Evidence of you are homelessness example, mortgage lender, landlord or the court, letter from friends or family asking you to leave. 
  • Income proof, like wage slips, benefit letters. 
  • Copies of police reports and crime reference number.
  • Qualification for temporary accommodation  or an emergency housing

Local council offers temporary accommodation while they look into your case if you are:

  • Homeless currently
  • Have urgent need for housing
  • Residence conditions and meet immigration

This is most likely to be in a hostel with bed and breakfast and shared facilities. They will look for accommodation near your previous house but with affordable housing options. You will be allowed to stay in emergency housing until the council decides that you require long term help. However if you are old, pregnant or have children then it is unlawful for the council to let you stay in emergency accommodation for more than six weeks.