How old was noah when he built the ark


Noah and the Ark is a famous and important story in the Bible that teaches us about faith, obedience, and how God works through people. One question people often ask about this story is, “How old was Noah when he built the ark?” Let’s explore the answer to this question and learn more about Noah’s life and what we can learn from his story.

According to the Bible, in Genesis 5:32, “Noah was 500 years old when he had his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.” This tells us that Noah was 500 years old when he became a father. But how old was he when he built the ark? The Bible doesn’t give us an exact answer, but we can make an educated guess based on other information in the Bible.

From Genesis 7:6, we know that Noah was 600 years old when the flood came, and he was on the ark with his family and the animals. So, if Noah was 500 years old when he had his sons and 600 years old when the flood came, that means he was likely in his late 500s when he built the ark.

Noah’s story teaches us many valuable lessons, such as the importance of trusting and obeying God, even when it seems impossible or difficult. Noah’s faith and obedience saved his family and two of every kind of animal from the flood, and his story continues to inspire and guide people today.

Here is a summary of the key points:

  • Noah’s age when he built the ark is not explicitly stated in the Bible.
  • Noah was 500 years old when he had his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Genesis 5:32).
  • Noah was 600 years old when the flood came (Genesis 7:6).
  • Based on this information, it is likely that Noah was in his late 500s when he built the ark.
  • Noah’s story teaches important lessons about faith, obedience, and trusting God.

Noah’s Story: Building the Ark and Trusting God

1. God’s Instructions: Building a Safe Haven
God told Noah to build a big boat called an ark to save his family and animals from a huge flood. Noah listened carefully and followed God’s instructions (Genesis 6:14-16). This showed that Noah trusted God completely. He believed God knew what was best, even if it seemed impossible.

2. How Old Was Noah When He Built the Ark?
The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly how old Noah was when he built the ark. But we know that he was 600 years old when the flood came (Genesis 7:6). So, he was likely in his late 500s or early 600s when he built the ark.

3. A Story of Patience and Perseverance
Noah spent many years building the ark, facing ridicule and disbelief from others. But he didn’t give up. He kept trusting God and working on the ark. This shows us the importance of being patient, persistent, and faithful to God’s plan. The Bible praises Noah’s faith and obedience, saying that he was a righteous man who pleased God (Hebrews 11:7).

In summary:

  • Noah built the ark according to God’s instructions, showing his faith and obedience.
  • He was likely in his late 500s or early 600s when he built the ark.
  • Noah’s story teaches us to be patient, persistent, and faithful to God’s plan, even when it’s difficult or others don’t understand.

4. Timeless Lessons for Believers

Noah’s story teaches us valuable lessons that are still relevant today:

  • Trust God beyond what we can see or understand.
  • Stand firm in our beliefs, even if others don’t agree.
  • God plans to save us through faith in Jesus, who offers refuge in life’s storms.

5. Noah’s Faithful Journey

How old was Noah when he built the ark? When he started, he was 500 years old, and it took him many years to complete. This shows us the power of a life lived with faith and obedience. Noah’s story inspires us to:

  • Endure patiently through challenges
  • Follow God’s calling, no matter what
  • Follow God’s calling, no matter what

In a world full of uncertainty, Noah’s story gives us hope. We can trust that God’s plans are bigger than we can imagine, and He is our anchor in life’s storms. Just as Noah’s faith saved his family and the animals, we can believe that God will guide us through life’s challenges.

In summary:

  • Noah’s story teaches us to trust God, stand firm in our beliefs, and believe in God’s redemptive plan.
  • Noah was 500 years old when he started building the ark, and his journey took many years.
  • His story inspires us to live a life of faith, patience, and obedience, trusting God’s promises and plans.