How Old Was Samson When He Died?

How old was Samson when he died

Samson is one of the most fascinating and complex figures in the Bible. Known for his incredible strength, his life is filled with dramatic events, from miraculous feats to tragic downfalls. 

His story, found in the Book of Judges, captures the imagination and offers lessons on strength, faith, and redemption. This article explores how old was samson when he died, highlighting key moments and their significance.

Early life

Samson’s story begins with a miraculous birth. His parents, Manoah and his wife, were childless until an angel of the Lord appeared to them. The angel announced that they would have a son who would begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines. 

This child was to be a Nazirite from birth, meaning he would be dedicated to God and abstain from wine, avoid contact with the dead, and never cut his hair.

Samson grew up with a sense of purpose and a special connection to God. His long hair, a symbol of his Nazirite vow, was the source of his extraordinary strength. From a young age, Samson displayed remarkable abilities that set him apart from others.

His strength

Samson’s strength became legendary through various feats demonstrating his power and divine favor. One of the most famous incidents is when he killed a lion with his bare hands. This event was a testament to his physical prowess and the spirit of the Lord working through him.

Another notable feat was when Samson struck down thirty Philistines in Ashkelon to settle a wager. His acts of strength were often tied to personal vendettas, but they also served the larger purpose of challenging the Philistine oppression over Israel.

Struggles he did

Despite his physical strength, Samson faced significant personal struggles. His weaknesses often revolved around his relationships with women. He married a Philistine woman from Timnah, which led to a series of conflicts with the Philistines.

This marriage, which was against his parents’ wishes, showed Samson’s impulsive nature and desire to follow his own path.

His relationship with Delilah is perhaps the most famous and tragic aspect of his life. Delilah, a woman from the Valley of Sorek, was bribed by the Philistine leaders to discover the secret of Samson’s strength.

Despite several attempts to deceive her, Samson eventually revealed that his strength lay in his uncut hair. Delilah betrayed him, leading to his capture and humiliation by the Philistines.


Samson’s downfall came when the Philistines cut his hair while he slept, rendering him powerless. They captured him, gouged out his eyes, and imprisoned him. This period he marked the lowest point in Samson’s life, as he lost both his physical strength and his freedom.

However, Samson’s story did not end in defeat. While in prison, his hair began to grow back, symbolizing the return of his strength. During a Philistine celebration, Samson was brought out to entertain the crowd. He prayed to God to restore his strength one last time. 

With renewed power, he pushed against the pillars of the temple, causing it to collapse and killing many Philistines along with himself. This final act of strength and sacrifice marked his redemption, fulfilling his role as a judge and deliverer of Israel.

How old was samson when he died

Based on the biblical account, Samson died at the age of 40. This is inferred from the context in which he served as a Judge of Israel and the events leading up to his death. According to Judges 13:1, Samson was a Nazirite from birth, and he served as a judge for 20 years (Judges 15:20).

His death occurred after his capture and enslavement by the Philistines, during which he was blinded and his hair grew long again. In his final act of revenge, he prayed to God for strength and pulled down the temple of Dagon, killing himself and many Philistines (Judges 16:23-30).


Who were Samson’s parents?

Samson’s parents were Manoah and his wife, who were childless until an angel of the Lord promised them a son who would deliver Israel from the Philistines.

What was the source of Samson’s strength?

Samson’s strength came from his Nazirite vow to God, symbolized by his uncut hair.

How did Samson display his strength?

Samson performed several feats of strength, such as killing a lion with his bare hands and using the jawbone of a donkey to slay a thousand Philistines.

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