The biggest mistake parents make when setting up a trust fund UK

The biggest mistake parents make when setting up a trust fund UK

 A trust fund is a legal arrangement where assets are held and managed for the benefit of specific individuals or purposes. Parents often create trust funds to provide financial security for their children, especially after their own passing. The goal is to ensure that the inherited wealth is used wisely and protected from potential risks.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the notable and the biggest mistake parents make when setting up a trust fund UK:

The Importance of Choosing the Right Trustee

Selecting the right trustee is crucial. A trustee is the person responsible for managing the trust fund according to its terms. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Responsibilities: A trustee’s duties include investing the assets, distributing funds to beneficiaries, and ensuring compliance with legal requirements. They act as fiduciaries, meaning they must prioritize the beneficiaries’ interests above their own.
  • Qualifications: Parents often make the mistake of appointing a family member or close friend as the trustee without considering their qualifications. An unqualified trustee may lack financial expertise, legal knowledge, or the ability to make sound decisions.
  • Risk: If the wrong trustee is chosen, mismanagement can occur. Funds may be invested poorly, leading to financial losses. Additionally, conflicts of interest or personal biases could affect decision-making.
  • Legal Complexities: Trusts involve legal intricacies, such as tax implications, reporting requirements, and compliance with state laws. An inexperienced trustee may inadvertently violate these rules, putting the trust at risk.
  • Disputes: When beneficiaries disagree with the trustee’s actions, disputes can arise. These conflicts may lead to costly legal battles, delaying the distribution of assets.

Mitigating Risks

To avoid these pitfalls, consider the following strategies:

  • Trustees: Consider hiring a professional trustee, such as a financial institution or a specialized trust company. They have the expertise to manage trust assets effectively.
  • Instructions: Provide detailed instructions in the trust document. Specify how funds should be invested, distributed, and under what circumstances.
  • Successor : Designate successor trustees in case the primary trustee becomes unable or unwilling to serve. This ensures continuity.
  • Regular Reviews: Periodically review the trust and assess the trustee’s performance. If necessary, make changes.

The biggest mistake parents make when setting up a trust fund UK

Here are some common and the biggest mistake parents make when setting up a trust fund UK; have a look:

Choose Your Trustee

The person you choose as a trustee has significant control over your trust fund. They decide how to invest assets, manage distributions, and allocate shares to beneficiaries. The trustee also handles accounting, record-keeping, tax paperwork, communicating with beneficiaries.

Given the trustee’s important role, you might expect parents to be careful when selecting the right person. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Many parents appoint a friend or close family member as the trustee, assuming they’re the obvious choice because they know the family well. However, choosing someone based solely on familiarity rather than financial qualifications can be risky.

Let’s delve into this topic further.


A capable trustee should have strong financial knowledge be organised, impartial, and available.

Consider whether your potential candidates truly possess these qualities:

  • Can they efficiently handle administrative tasks?
  • Are they prepared to handle family pressures that may arise?
  • When choosing a trustee, prioritise expertise over-familiarity. Appointing family members as co-trustees can lead to conflicts. Siblings may have competing interests or disagreements about distributions. A professional trustee can help avoid family disputes.

Now, let’s explore the potential damage caused by an incompetent trustee:

  • Reckless investment decisions that risk trust assets instead of maintaining a diversified portfolio.
  • Late tax filings result in penalties that reduce the trust’s value.
  • Favouritism, where one beneficiary receives excessive distributions.
  • Poor failure and record-keeping to account for decisions, leaving room for misconduct.
  • Mismanagement of trust assets, leading to beneficiary lawsuits and high legal costs.


Over time, laws and family situations change. A trust set up ten years ago might not fit your present needs and aims. It’s important to check and update trusts to keep up with changes regularly. Big life changes also mean that trusts need to be changed. If a trust is old or forgotten, it can cause problems.

To align your trust with your hopes, consider the following:

  • Collaborate with experienced trust lawyers to craft the trust strategy thoughtfully.
  • Hand-select financially savvy trustees.
  • Include provisions to prevent misuse of trust funds.

At Apple Payne Law, we understand that no parent wants their trust fund to become a costly nightmare. Proactive foresight and planning are important to ensure your inheritance of children aligns with your intentions.

Some Questions

What goals should parents consider when creating a trust?

Clearly define your goals for the trust. Do you want your children to receive funds in intervals or as a lump sum at a certain age? Discuss these goals with a professional solicitor to plan effectively.

How can life insurance and death benefits be directed correctly?

Create a trust to protect these payments from IHT and shield them from potential issues like divorce or bankruptcy. Proper setup ensures your assets benefit you and your children as intended.

Who should parents choose as trustees?

Appointing the right trustees is crucial. They manage the trust and ensure its proper functioning. Choose people who are financially savvy and trustworthy.

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