Who Called Me in the UK? What You Need to Know and How to Stop Them?

who called me in UK? We’ve all been there—your phone rings, and it’s yet another unwanted call. Whether it’s a marketing pitch, a fake scam, or someone asking you to take a survey, these nuisance calls can feel relentless. In fact, billions of cold calls are made to UK consumers every year.In 2019, research by Ofcom revealed that nearly half of UK landline users received at least one nuisance call in a single month. And for many, especially older and vulnerable individuals, the number of calls is much higher.

But why are these calls happening, and how can you put a stop to them and know who called me in Uk?

Why Am I Getting So Many Cold Calls?

Ever wondered how your phone number ended up in the hands of these annoying callers? Often, your contact details are collected when you enter online competitions or answer lifestyle surveys. Unfortunately, some companies share or sell this information to other businesses, including those involved in cold calling.

Key Ways Your Contact Information Is Shared:

  • Entering online competitions
  • Answering lifestyle or consumer surveys
  • Signing up for promotions

To reduce the chance of this happening, try to avoid sharing your phone number unless absolutely necessary. You can also take additional steps to protect yourself, like registering with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS).

How Can the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) Help?

The TPS is a free service that ensures your phone number is placed on a “no-call” list, meaning companies are legally prohibited from making live marketing calls to you unless you’ve previously given them permission.

What Should I Do If I Keep Getting Nuisance Calls?

If you’re being bombarded by unwanted calls, don’t just suffer in silence! Here’s what you can do:

  • Register with TPS: This should be your first step in reducing cold calls.
  • Identify Who’s Calling: Use online tools to figure out whether a call is legitimate.
  • Report Nuisance Calls: It’s important to take action against companies that break the rules.

Who Called Me UK?

In this age of technology, it’s hard to know exactly who’s on the other end of the line. That’s because many cold callers use a technique called number spoofing to hide their real identity by using fake or ever-changing numbers.

Luckily, there are websites that can help you identify suspicious numbers. One such site is Who Called Me UK?, where you can enter a phone number to see if others have reported it.

Number Color Code on Who Called Me UK?:

Color Meaning
Red Dangerous
Orange Harassing
Grey Unknown
Blue Neutral
Green Safe

You can also try Googling the number, as this sometimes leads you to a business or website that can give you more context about the call.

Common Types of Nuisance Calls

Nuisance calls come in different forms, from harmless marketing pitches to full-blown scams. According to data analyzed by Which?, the three most commonly reported nuisance calls are:

  1. Scams (claiming to be from BT, HMRC, or TalkTalk)
  2. Marketing or Sales Calls
  3. Surveys

Where Are These Calls Coming From?

Even though many nuisance calls seem to come from UK-based numbers, this is often not the case. Cold-calling companies can use technology to make it look like the call is coming from a regular UK number, even if it’s being made from overseas.

Types of Numbers Used in Nuisance Calls:

Type of Number Percentage of Nuisance Calls
UK Geographic Numbers 30% (most common)
Mobile or Business Lines Some
Withheld, International, or Unavailable Numbers Very common

How to Report Nuisance Calls?

If you’ve received a nuisance call, it’s crucial to report it so that action can be taken against the companies behind it. Companies can face heavy fines for making these calls, and as of December 2018, company directors can even be held personally liable if their business breaks the law.

However, depending on the type of call, you’ll need to report it to the correct authority:

Where to Report Nuisance Calls:

Type of Call Where to Report
Silent or Abandoned Calls Ofcom
Scam Calls Action Fraud
Recorded Marketing Calls Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) or TPS

By reporting these calls, you’re not only protecting yourself but also helping others avoid the same nuisance.

How to Stop Nuisance Calls Once and For All?

Nobody wants to deal with constant unwanted calls, but there are ways to protect yourself. Here’s a quick checklist to help reduce or eliminate nuisance calls:

  • Register with the TPS: This is a free and effective first step.
  • Be Mindful of Where You Share Your Number: Don’t give out your number unless necessary.
  • Use Call-Blocking Services: Many phone providers offer tools to block specific numbers.
  • Report Suspicious Calls: Don’t hesitate to report scam calls or any other suspicious activity.

By following these steps, you can finally enjoy some peace and quiet, without the constant interruptions from nuisance callers.


Nuisance calls can be incredibly frustrating, especially when they seem endless. But by taking steps like registering with the TPS, using online resources to identify callers, and reporting suspicious calls, you can regain control over your phone.

You don’t have to put up with annoying or even dangerous calls. Take action today to protect yourself, and say goodbye to nuisance calls for good!

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